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Dear Might and Magic fans, If you're an old time fan of the Might and Magic series, then you're in for a real treat. We've taken your excellent suggestions and used them to make what we think is the best Might and Magic ever. If you're new to Might and Magic, you are about to take your first step into a world that is filled with fantastical monsters, foreboding dungeons, and legendary heroes. We've made tons of new changes that will make this experience as fun a game experience as you've had. We've enhanced the skill system, made the dungeons better, and the monsters smarter. Due to your suggestions, the NPCs you hire will once again be able to fight alongside you in your quests. We had a great time making Might and Magic IX, and hope you will have as much fun playing it as we did making it. Have fun! Sincerely, Jon Van Caneghem |
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